Cock worshiping

 Cock worshiping

Ohh how I love that throbbing cock it’s so big and strong and it last and it lasts all night until the early dawn. That cock can stay inside with me for hours and I would not be upset just pounding into this pussy over and over again. Ohh how I love to put that cock in my mouth and wrap these sweet lips right around them sucking and Lipping until it squirts out all of its sweet goodness.

Oh, that cock gives me such a sensation I can’t get over I wanna go ahead and share it with all my friends but no one can keep it but me. that cock is mine and all mine I wanna sit on top of it, and bounce my ass over again twirl around on that throbbing cock letting you fill me up like no tomorrow oh I am the best cock that’s ever worshiped.


 Cock worshiping

If you have a big Cock let me be your Cock worshiping queen.


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