Daddies home-welcoming

Bare bottom spankings


submissive slut

Daddy had a long work trip and I wanted to thank him for being the best master ever. I wanted to surprise him with a friend. Macey  was the perfect submissive slut to snuff out.

I knew Daddy was going to love his special home welcoming gift. A little slut like Macey deserves to be put in her place. I had rehearsed and practiced on the bitch while I was

awaiting Daddies return home. Macey got plenty of bare bottom spankings from me. I know Daddy loves to see his favorite slut Shiloh dominate a whore like Macey.

Daddy loves knowing that he will end the night with cum and piss ready to shoot in our eyes. The meaner I get the harder Daddies dick grows. We both know our place is to keep

Daddy satisfied and happy at all times. Macey has had a few hiccups but that is  why Daddy trained me so well. I am able to put her in her place. I love making Daddy happy.


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