Daddy’s Submissive Whore

submissive whore robynI am used to being loaned out to pay Masters debts. Last night Master lost big time and I am the payment. He got me for two nights not one. This time I don’t mind. He reminds me of my younger years. When I first became a submissive whore and daddy started my training. Daddy loved to tie me up after a long hard day at work and take all his frustrations out on me. After he was done spanking me and fucking me and cumming all over my little body. He would take me in the bathroom and clean all the sticky mess off me. he would wash it all out of my hair and then get me dressed and take me shopping for something nice. I never complained when daddy was using me. This man was exactly the same way. Maybe Master will loose me to him again sometime. I like being his submissive whore.

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