Erotic Domination

Submissive phone sexI have been waiting for the return of my dark stranger.

The way he dominated me on Halloween was unforgettable.

The way he owned my body, commanded orgasm after orgasm from me, was the most intensely erotic experience of my life.

But its been weeks since then.

I did not even know his name, but that cock…I will never forget that beautiful perfect cock!

But then last night, as I was climbing into bed, I saw my dark stranger in the corner!

I could not see him, just his shadow but his presence was so powerful.

My clit started to twitch and my pussy instantly became moist and I knew he had come back for more!

He stood at the end of my bed, and without speaking, tore my clothes off my body and pushed my legs apart.

I laid there naked and shivering but my cunt was warm and creamy!

I ached for him!

I pleaded with him to control me and own me like he had done before, but he refused and ordered me to finger fuck myself while he watched!

His power over me was sending uncontrollable spasms throughout my body like electric convulsing shock waves!

My back began to arch as my body started to cum and he pushed my hips back down to the bed refusing my release!

Then, a single thrust with the force of a thousand horses sent his massive hard cock to the depths of my pussy and I lost all control!

Feeling his cock expanding the walls of my tight wet pussy sent a rush of cum splattering his cock and balls!

I couldn’t stop!

I could tell he was not happy when he continued to angrily punish my fuck whole with an intense pounding that could only be compared to a battering ram!

I laid there, exhausted in ecstasy and when I opened my eyes, he had vanished and the only evidence he had left was the slow, hot drip of his thick creamy cum out of my gaping twitching cunt!

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