Erotic submissive stories

erotic submissive stories

 My master left me tied up while he went to work. I have been laying in the same position he left me. I am completely at his mercy. I am saturated in his piss and spit. He made sure to take his morning piss right all over my face and in my mouth. I had to swallow every drop of his stinky urine. He also made a fat loogie in his mouth and spat it all over my face.

My master is finally home and my holes are aching to be rammed open by his fat cock. Sure enough he unzips his pants and makes is cock slide right into my ass hole. I try and rock back so that his dick can go balls deep inside of me, stretching me wide. His tight cum filled balls are beating up against my clit. I need to make him happy and to jerk that cock till it spits out a fat load of cum.


    • DAVE on January 22, 2018 at 10:59 am
    • Reply

    Hi Adina. You are a great SLUT. I enjoyed our talk a lot. Your father did a great job in training you. I think there is no sexual acts you would not due. Or anything else you would expect from a SUBMISSIVE SLUT.

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