Erotic submissive stories of the brutal break-in 

Erotic submissive stories of A woman getting what she deserves. All alone in the house, I was thinking I could have some time to myself for some self-care. I can be really a dumb bimbo sometimes and forget to lock the doors when everyone is away from home. I step out of the tub and the attacker neutralizes me by pulling me down on the ground. He stomps on my belly and hog ties me.

Erotic submissive stories of the brutal break-in 

I get a little mouthy and tell him to go the fuck away and leave me alone, but he bust my lip scattering blood all over the place. The next thing I know my swollen and bruised lips are choking on a cock of a stranger in a mask. He’s a man who wants the code to the safe and I do not have it.

Submissive Whore Robyn might not survive!

Do you think a dumb submissive whore would have access to her family’s cash and jewels? Now I’m going to get beat and force fucked even though I don’t have the code. This motherfucker is recording me as I’m crying and begging him to leave. But instead he just bruises me and beats me and makes me bleed even more. I

have a feeling that I might not survive this Inquisition. All I wanted to do was be a good submissive session cock and be a good cock worshiper. And now everything’s going to be taken away because of a burglar wanting more than I can give.

Erotic submissive stories

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