Extreme fetish phone sex

Extreme fetish phone sexI have a fetish for incest I love I love having sex with my family, but when my little brother was smaller we found a fetish that was so extreme only he and I could do it. When we were tikes all the brothers and sisters played the fart game. We took our fart game to another level. We would sit on the sofa and when it was time for one of us to fart we would put each other’s heads underneath the cover and hold the cover down. One night when my brother was underneath the cover after I farted he went ahead and touched my pussy. I got so wet unexpectedly, so when it was my turn to go under the covers I touched his cock. We went back and forth at this for a while before we were literally mouth to cock or mouth to pussy, and pretty soon cocked to pussy. As we grew older it became such a fetish that we could not have orgasms unless we were listening to someone fart. When I went off to college it was the hardest time ever. I would call my little brother on the phone after a big date and beg him to fester up a fart, so I could live out this extreme fetish phone sucks just fart for me oh I need to cum so bad.

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