Golden showers phone sex is what I am worthy of, Daddy!

Golden showers phone sex

Golden showers phone sex is what I am worthy of, Daddy! I cannot explain the intense pleasure I get when Daddy unleashes his hot, yellow juice all over me. I crave it, I need it, and I will do anything to get it. It all started when Daddy caught me watching a porn video of a man peeing on a woman. Immediately I was intrigued, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. The thought of being degraded and used in such a way turned me on like never before.

From that moment on, I became Daddy’s little piss whore. He would call me his “filthy little pig” and order me to get on my knees and open my mouth. And just like that, I became a human toilet for Daddy. It may sound disgusting to some, but to me, it was pure bliss. Feeling his warm stream fill my mouth and run down my body was the ultimate ecstasy. I would eagerly lap up every drop, craving more and more.

Even during our bondage sessions, Daddy would incorporate golden showers into our play. He would restrain me, spread my legs wide open, and let his yellow juice rain down on me. The feeling of helplessness combined with the humiliation of being pissed made me squirt hard for Daddy.

So, my dear Daddy, if you are reading this, know that your little Breanne will always be your willing whore, ready to use and abuse my holes in any way you see fit. Call me Daddy for hot Pissing phone sex! Thank you for being my Daddy, my Sir, and my everything. I love you and your hot, pungent piss.

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