He used me

submissive whoreHe didn’t say a word when he came into my room, I couldn’t see who he was because it was too dark for that all I knew was that his touch seemed unfamiliar to me. He was rough as he hogtied me and since I was naked I was almost immediately cold. He dragged me down to the basement and left me there in the dark. I had no idea who would be coming down those stairs to hurt me all I could do was wait. I laid there crying and miserable, wishing I could stretch my limbs of turn so that my bare breasts weren’t pushing into the cold hard floor but I knew better than to move. Finally he came back down and turned the lights on blinding me so that I still couldn’t tell who it was. He lifted me up and shoved his cock down my throat and fucked it so brutally that I nearly passed out. He fucked all my holes and beat me black and blue and then left me there still hogtied on the floor until my Master finally found me there. He had to carry me back upstairs because my body was useless from being tied so long. I guess I will never know who did this to me.

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