He was so cruel

submissive whoreI fucked up bad, I fell asleep yesterday afternoon and ended up sleeping way past the time that my Master came home from work. I had no dinner ready, the house was a mess and I looked all crazy from sleeping. To say that he was not pleased was an understatement. He dragged me out of bed by my hair and threw me on the floor and began to kick the shit out of me. I was gasping for air and the pain was just huge, it swallowed me whole. He pulled me up and throat fucked me to the point that I was about to pass out and then bent me over the bed and ripped off my panties. He fucked my ass dry until it bled, I was crying so hard but I knew better than to scream or protest, I just laid there and took it. When he finally finished he told me to get up and make his dinner so I thanked him for all the correction and went to cook. I can tell you one thing for sure, I won’t be fucking up like that again!

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