Light Bondage is Classy

light bondage

Light bondage can be a class act. Many people in high society have kinks in the bedroom. PTA moms like me are subby whores behind closed doors. Wifes of the upper class will do anything to keep husbands happy and the money flowing.  Sex is money and Money buys you any kind of sex act you can think of. All while going under the radar of high society standards. Personally I participate in wife auctions about once a year. A place where wives are bid on in the name of some charity. Everyone knows how kinky and filthy this practice is and that’s why we do it in the name of raising funds for those less privileged. 

Bondage whore is on my detail card for the men to bid on. And the man who bought me, said he has been looking for a new submissive bitch to take his aggressions out on. For me I like going to different homes, and getting a taste of a new cock. Every man dominates a little bit differently and Never knowing what kind of man I get makes my pussy wet. The nervous excitement of wearing his wife’s jewels while he berates me makes my heart beat fast!  Realizing that I am about to be punished for her transgressions scare the fuck out of me! 


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