Piss & Scat phone sex Tortures

Scat phone sex

Piss & Scat phone sex tortures me in ways that I loathe. It’s not to say that In every scene I enjoy the shit out of myself. Pun intended. But when Master goes on a tirade about how much keeping me owned is costing him… I do whatever he wants making sure that he doesn’t sell me. No matter how nasty and humiliating it might be for me. When he comes home from workwith that attitude I will make sure to bring up the time he shoved a grey goose bottle up my ass and I shot half of my body weight out after being forced fed prunes for 24 hours. The worse part was holding my shit in until he was ready for me to become a volcanic eruption of shit. My poor ass was so prolapsed that he made me go see the doctor and get a stitch or two. Now most of our potty play isn’t quite as extreme but I still love shitting in his cock. And the good slave that I am I always clean my mess off of his Master’s dick. A good face wash and ass wash of his hot piss is always good for dessert! I am a subby cunt who delights in being able to serve with scat and pissing phone sex for you. 

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