Pissing phone sex

Pissing phone sexOh how i love Pissing phone sex and boy is it worth it every time! I wish I could explain the immense pleasure I get when My man Relieves his hot yellow nectar all over me! I want it! NO! I NEED IT! I will do every and anything I can to get it!  It all started when i was younger taking a shower with my little brother he had to pee but refused to leave the shower and began to piss all over me.Golden Showers Phone Sex

Just like that i stubbled upon Golden shower porn and baby let me tell you my pussy started running like a faucet! I found what I was looking for and now i was looking for the man to give me exactly what i crave so deeply! I soon found my Rope Daddy and he loved tying me up and pissing all over me. I was his Dirty little Rope Slut and i loved every second of it! 

Im accepting all applications for my golden shower lovers and rope slut tamers! call me for your Golden shower phone sex needs! Im dying for your hot piss all over me!


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