Sexy Bondage Whore stories

sexy bondage Sexy bondage stories involve jealousy when I am made into furniture. My master saw where I blogged about being objectified and he was thinking that he would make me into a pure object by placing cables on my nipple clamps and attaching a tray. I am holding the drinks for him and my sister, a nice glass of wine and his scotch. A butt plug and egg are shoved up inside of me and this tray is hard to hold up on chains attached to my nipples.
My sister is so sexy and showing off her ass and Master is all over her right in front of me. I’m so jealous and she turns up my inserted sex toys to bring me almost to orgasm. But I spilled the drinks and Master was not happy! I try to tell him it’s not my fault and get back handed for speaking out of turn. And now he has a better idea. The tray gets strapped to my back and I am made into a table for them. If I look up I can see my sister sucking him off and being told what a good whore she is! Master spanks my ass with his crop for catching me watching. I am only tortured furniture for this play time. I am left with a wet pussy and trembling. For more erotic bondage stories will have to wait and my needs always cum last!

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