Slave in Training

Bondage phone sex

Master says I am almost the perfect little submissive whore for him, he just needs to polish me up and keep training me so that I don’t get slack and start to fall back. His training routine is rather rigorous. Every morning I am to crawl to his bedroom on my knees and wake him up with a blowjob. Cumming in my mouth is how my master likes to start his day. Then I cook him breakfast and clean the house. I am to only speak when spoken to and be ready to submit to him sexually whenever he desires. I wear erotic lingerie and a butt plug while in the house so that I am pleasing for him to look at while I cook his meals and clean his house. Any mistakes I make are met with sever punishment. Sometimes it’s just a hard spanking, other times I’m dragged by hair and thrown into the closet and left there to think about what I did wrong. It depends on how lenient my Master is feeling that day. Sometimes he can be very cruel, but I know it’s for my own good. He wants me to be the perfect little submissive slut, and this is how it’s done.

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