Submissive phone sex

Submissive phone sexMaster please take me and my little cum slut in training and help me train her! Master please I want you to make her your little bitch! First we are going to make her watch how mommy Ripley gets all tight up naked for Master. Then you grab one of the many candles around us and pour the hot wax all over my nipples. Fuck yeah thank you Master I love that hot wax on my nipples! Then you open up my pussy crack and make that hot wax drip all over my clit. Then you make them help you open my cunt hole, and you start pouring that hot wax into my pussy fuck hole. Oh yes, yes Master that feels so good. More please! You turn me around bending me over doggy style pouring that hot fucking wax all over my back and asshole! Now time for me to watch you tie the little cum sluts and make them your little slaves!

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