Submissive Sex Slut

submissive sex

As you know, my greatest joy in life is being a submissive sex slave. I know for a fact that if I didn’t have my Master to guide me in every aspect of my life, I would just be the shell of a woman. I was lost in my life and then when I met Master, he really helped me see the ways that I could be most useful to the world. He said that men would love having a submissive whore like me who would do everything they wanted without ever even thinking about questioning things. I was immediately in.

He told me that if men were kept happy sexually, that the world would slowly start to become a better place. Men would be less angry, there would be less violence, and things would just be peaceful. I am honored to be the kind of subbie slut who can help keep the world happy. Do you have a fantasy that you need someone like me for? Just give me a call and I’ll do whatever you tell me to. Master can always tell when I’m lying, so he’ll know if I didn’t do a good job for my calls. Anything you wish is your desire.


    • Early on June 19, 2022 at 12:45 pm
    • Reply

    I have a pantyhose fetish and this is so fucking good.

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