Submissive Slut Druggy

submissive slut

All I want is to be a submissive slut. The thing about being a submissive slut is you have to be born into that life! My parents made me submit to them, so now that is all I know. When guys actually are nice to me and treat me right I am confused. This is not how it is supposed to be! I am a stupid fucking whore. I don’t deserve to be treated like a human even.  I mean that’s how everyone has always made me feel so at this point I’ve gotten used to it. Accustomed to it, to say the least. It helps though, if I stay fucked up. I must admit I do have a little bit of an addiction. I greatly enjoy any drug I can get my hands on – it helps me get myself ‘loosened up’ so I don’t fight those cocks. Coke and weed together are perfect for me because I can get a perfect buzz when I do them together…and then I am helplessly theirs.


    • Mark on April 2, 2018 at 11:49 am
    • Reply

    Hello sookie. Ive fantasizing about using you. Love your cute little tits. Maybe later this eve

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