Submissive Slut For Real

submissive slut

I am such a submissive slut, like for real, in all aspects of my life. I just love it too, I am a worthless little whore so it’s natural for me to be a submissive slut, after all your needs are far more important than mine! I want to bleed for you, suffer for you, even die for you if that’s what you need, I will do absolutely anything to make you happy, I swear! You are my Master, my owner, the person that I worship with everything I have in me and nothing will ever change that I swear. You can tie me up, beat me, whip me, pimp me out to all of your friends, nothing is too demeaning or degrading for me… no matter what it is! I will be whatever kind of submissive slut you want me to be… just please, please use me, make me your whore! I’ll be right here waiting for you… even if it takes all night!

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