Submissive Slut Valentine

submissive slut

I really did think I was the most submissive slut this side of the Mississippi, but last night I got taken to a whole new level of superior slut submission. I got myself all dressed up in red leather and lace, to better show my body off at a Valentine’s party that one my most deviant girlfriend invited me to. It sounded sketchy and very mysterious, and I’m not going to lie, that excited my whorish cunt, and my nipples were so hard they could cut glass. She wouldn’t even tell me the location. She sent a car to pick me up and when the driver arrived, he put his hand over my red lips and placed a blindfold over my eyes and said sternly, “It’s for your own safety, Miss.” I sat back and tried to assess my atmosphere. The car smelled of sex, leather and fear sweat. In a matter of moments, I felt more than one warm hand roughly grab me. I was shocked to find that I wasn’t in the limo alone. Their grips were tight and strong. I had never felt so aroused and afraid at the same time. ‘What is going to happen to me?’ I thought to myself and hadn’t realized I said it out loud until somebody immediately shoved a red ball gag in my mouth and told me to shut the fuck up like a good little whore.
What happened next is something I’d like to play out with you, Master.

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