Best Bukkake Ever

Bukkake phone sex

I never look as beautiful as I do after a hardcore gang style fucking with a gooey bukkake finish.  The way those layers of cock snot coat my beautiful, Venus-like face and soak into my matted blonde mop makes me feel better about myself than even the most expensive makeup ever could.  I’m not a Cover Girl, I’m a covered girl.

You need a bunch of cocks to really give you a good glazing.  One is okay if he shoots power loads but you’re almost guaranteed to only get a standard amount of jizz out of just one fuck stick.  Two veiny pricks will get you closer to the varnish of hot sack syrup that you’re after but even then you’re only going to get a fraction of the fuck juice needed to satisfy you’re desire to be engulfed in a thick, slimy shower of dick drippings.

Last night, for instance, I took on half a dozen donkey donged deviants just to make sure I would be overlaid with the perfect amount of pearly white cum.  The hardest part was making sure none of those horn dogs left their revved up rods inside of me when they blew their fat loads.  Not that I mind a creampie or five, I just needed to be blasted in the face and bathed in their sexy succulence.  You understand.


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