Submissive whore.

submissive whore

See what a submissive whore I am. This is my favorite new hold. Arms bound behind me with the same length of rope that’s around my neck.  The biggest new thing is the way you tied my ankles with my nipples. You see my nipples are stretched up what you cant see is the pulley above that stretches my nipples harder each time I move my legs. Just like if I squirm my arms I choke myself. Sometimes I do that on purpose though. I can’t help myself when you keep forcing me to cum over and over again. The pain is definitely my pleasure. Shhh that’s my little secret. But I know that last time we were together I was very disobedient when I whimpered out. This new technique is exactly what it took to tame me. I look forward to our next encounter master.

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