Submissive Whore Classifieds

Submissive Whore

      Submission whore want ads went out everywhere! They had put the advertisement in the paper to find me a master. Wanted a young slut willing to suffer bondage, extreme humiliation, severe whipping and sexual duties. I knew the nuns would be pleased for me to earn my keep. I had been auditioning all week the last Master Applicant had my body in a whirl wind. I stood still as I felt the sting of the lash against my tits. Hurrying to the wall as instructed I could see the chains from above. Suddenly I felt his hands push me into the wall. I felt the tear of my flesh against the stone wall over and over again. Tears ran down my face and blood ran from my tits. I could only cry mercilessly as the whip landed on my back and pussy lips. Was he my Dominate or a punisher of cruelty? Only the nuns and you could decide. My soul purpose now was to be of service and do what you wished. My only question is how will you break me?

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