Submissive Whore Punishment

Submissive Whore DorthyI thought being a submissive whore dominated by an elder in the church would be hot. All those repressed emotions, all that sacrifice that he would have to do just to maintain his position in the church. I always seem so aggressive at first glance. I didn’t realize how aggressive they really can be. Then I got schooled, I went back to Sunday school. He had a ruler, erasers, a bucket, leather straps, a flyswatter, and anything else he could get his hands on. I was almost grateful that he didn’t have a stapler, eventually I learned how wrong I was. He forced me on my knees in the middle of the room explain what the bucket was for. it was either my food dish, my water bottle, or my toilet and i had to choose wisely. The ruler was to smack with every part of my body did what he did not wanted to Extreme Bondage Dorthydo. The fly swatter was my whip, the leather straps were my extreme bondage to bind my ankles and wrists together as he pushed me over on to my face. The erasers really didn’t do much more, than act as a filler. As he filled me up! Eraser after eraser and not a pencil eraser, either.  I was to be like this for 7 days each day I would learn about one of the seven deadly sins. Gluttony he was still the bucket with dog food cat food any non human food he was trying to cure me of my gluttony. Coveting, he would bring female after female into this room take advantage of them right in front of me. Not only did he want me to be jealous of the pleasure he brought them, but their freedom. He didn’t know me very well! I wasn’t coveting them! The only thing that I wanted was to be the most humiliated degregated and low cum bucket that he had ever known. I wonder who’s going to school who? and there’s still 5 deadly sins left.  Why don’t you give this one a call she has so much to discuss with you.Submissive Sex Dorthy

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