Tag: Erotic Submission Stories

Santa’s naughty list

erotic bondage stories

With Christmas fast approaching my mind wanders back to my favorite erotic bondage stories. This one happens to star me and Santa together. Just after midnight on Christmas morning I woke up to a slight thump near my tree. I saw Santa come around with his bag of goodies. He told me that I had been naughty and that he was here to punish me. Out of his large sack he pulled some red and white shibari rope, a new green and red striped ball gag and a flogger that had candy cane shaped beads at the end. He tied me up to the support column in my kitchen and had my breasts tied so that they stuck out. He put my gag in and then got to work. The beads stung and broke the skin a little each time they stuck. He made me count out 359 strokes, one for every day that I had been naughty during the year. When he finished he came over and stuck the biggest cock I have ever seen into my mouth and throat, he face fucked me until his peppermint flavored cum slid down my throat. He told me that he wanted to see me continue to be a HOE,HOE,HOE all this next year so that he could cum back next year. He snapped his fingers and the ropes untied and he left. I can’t wait to see what he has in store for this year!!

Erotic Submission Stories: Naughty Cum Eating Maid

Erotic submissive stories Erotic submission stories are hot to share. I have a caller who loves to hear my submission stories from before I became the seasoned submissive whore I am today. When I was in college, I had a professor I was fucking. Not for grades or anything; just for pleasure. He was not a BDSM guy. He enjoyed erotic roleplaying, spanking and light bondage. And of course my big tits. His favorite role play was naughty maid. He bought me a sexy French Maid’s outfit and I would clean his house. I was not the best maid ever, so often when he would do a white glove test or check how I folded the laundry, he would discover that I didn’t do a proper job. Lazy maids, maids who do not follow instructions, get their bare bottoms spanked. I would bend over the fireplace, expose my bare ass that was framed by a black garter belt and take my punishment. Every smack made me wetter. Ever smack made him harder. When my juices would gush out my pussy all over the floor because I am a squirter, I had to get on all fours and lick up the mess I made. This of course led to a good ass fucking. How could anyone resist my round, ample ass? As I licked my girl goo off the floor, my professor would fuck my ass. Of course, the massive load he always sprayed up my ass would pour out my butt hole on to the floor. I licked every last drop of his cum off the floor too. My naughty maid role plays from college have made me the cum slut I am today. I will drink cum from anywhere. Out of your cock, from a glass, off the floor out of some girl’s ass… You just tell me how and where.