Torture phone sex at The BDSM club has me squirting

Torture phone sex

Torture Phone sex is one of the most erotic forms of sexual pleasure. I am known for stuffing extra large dildos inside of my holes and being stretched out until I am a useless slave. I tend to show off my pain slut skills when I get invited to a Bondage swingers club. Who am I kidding, I show off my sub-slut side whenever I get the chance to. My master brought me to The Raging Raw Club a few weeks ago and got some hellacious shots of me doing what I do bestMaster loves sitting back and having other whores suck on his cock as His toy gets her holes alienated. I normally would get so jealous as he shouts out how good his cock is being made to feel by another slave.

Torture phone sex at The BDSM club has me squirting

But tonight as I am blindfolded and hung up, My mind is only on my own sensations. Look at my tist tied so painfully. I thought I was coming here for the usual pet play. But I was so wrong as Master found a floor boy to hurt me. But pain is pleasure, right? So as I am being fucked with the drill dildo and my legs and ass are whipped I slip into subspace. All I feel is pleasure and pain at once. I take the Bondage and submission life very well. I love being a rag doll hung up and tortured sexually! And when I let go of my body and my squirt rains on the crowd, that is when I know I have done my job well! 


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