Bondage whore gets used by big bro

I am the Bondage whore master needs. I was raised being tied up and used since a young age. My brother used to use my jump rope to tie my hands behind my back. Then he would pinch and twist my little nipples. “It hurts please no more,” I whimpered but my brother didn’t care. ” Shut up, baby’s mom is at work, and we are here alone” he responds, and he slips my panties off.

After that he started rubbing my cunty. If I tried to move the rope would burn my wrists. That is when I learned to stay in my place and let him use me like he wanted. After a bit my brother pulled his big peepee out and slammed it in my mouth. He didn’t care when I could barely breathe. All he cared about was using my mouth to make his cock meat bust.

Bondage whore

“Swallow my load sis” is all he said as he started pumping his semen inside my mouth. I swallowed as much as I could into my tummy. “Can you untie me now bro?” “No, not until you agree to be my Submissive Whore”. Since I was tied up with a tummy full of cum, I knew I wasn’t going to get out unless I agreed. “Okay, I will be your subby sis”. Finally, he smiled and untied me, “go clean up before mom gets home”. He ordered me to do, and I did it, I belong to him now. 

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