Your Loyal Submissive Whore

submissive whore

As you know, I’m a submissive whore to my Master. He told me the other day that he felt like my callers weren’t understanding the fact that he really wants them to use and abuse me. You know, the way he and everyone he shares me with do in real life. Oh, and Master said that even if you don’t know exactly what you are in the mood for or would like to use me for, you can still call. I have lots of stories about things he’s done to me and surely that’ll give you an idea.

I am not ever allowed to say ‘no’ to you, no matter how humiliating your requests are. I know that you don’t respect women, especially submissive sluts like me. Now is the time when you get to say out loud all of the things it’s no longer politically correct to say about women. Men are superior and I am not one of those woke women who think we’re equals. I know that I am only here on this earth to please you and make your cock happy. Other than that, I know that I need to stay in my lane and keep my head down.

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