Bondage Submission Due to Bad Decisions

Bondage submission

I haven’t been making the best decisions lately and my master thinks that some bondage submission might help. My master no longer trusts that I will behave if left home alone. So you made me come to the office with you today. I felt so embarrassed when you told one of your employees that I was too naughty to be left home alone. Little did I know how much worse things were going to get for me. You took me into the office that connects to yours but is used for storage. You made me sit in an office chair and then you tied me up.

You told me that you would not gag me as long as I remained quiet. You told me to use this time to reflect back on the past few days and my bad choices. Then you just walked out and shut the door. I could hear you next door talking to clients and employees. After a few hours I was tired of sitting in this same position. I was also starting to get hungry and needed to go to the potty. I couldn’t help but to try and wiggle myself free. As I started moving the chair was rocking on the floor. I didn’t think you would hear me. I thought he had already left for lunch. I swear it felt like had had been tied up for most of the day, but I was wrong.

Just as I had managed to untie my hands, you walked in and ask me what I thought I was doing. You told me that it had been less than two hours since you had left me alone. Yet, I had managed to get myself into trouble again. You walked over and finished untying me. I started trying to apologize but you told me to save it. I started crying as soon as you started unbuckling your belt. Not only did I not want to be spanked with your belt but I did not want to be punished at your office.

The thought of someone hearing me getting spanked was so embarrassing. You told me I should of thought about that before I decided to try and wiggle lose. You made me pull up my skirt and bend over your desk. You told me to pull down my panties. The leather bit into my skin causing me to scream out in pain. You continued to strap my ass with your leather belt until I was sobbing. My ass was left in angry red welts. You then made me stand in the corner in front of you with my spanked ass on display. I stood there crying and praying that no one walked in and saw me like this.

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