Fuck me in the Pussy


Submissive Whore

Fuck me in the pussy because you drive me wild; I just want you in my cunt. You’re the fucking disaster that I’ve been waiting for all month long. I was told that I was going to get a real freaking motherfucker who has no objections to anything and I’m wondering is that you? I’m a funky, freaky slut and I don’t give a fuck I want you to fuck me in my ass hole I want you to fuck my mouth to just like you fuck up pussy babe. Give me all of your goddamn dick I want it right now I’ve been waiting too long and my freakiness is going wild. I’m a mother fucking slut I love it in the goddamn but if you want actions you can have that, and I promise I won’t hold back. I’m a nasty little bitch all the hoes in my motherfucking corner they know exactly what I’m going to do they’re not surprised by me I’m going to surprise you though. Kiss my pussy babe strap my fucking pussy up getting ready to go wild all night long beaches can’t stop me. I was waiting for some dick in the Midnight Hour and that dick just got to me and he fucked me like an estranged husband who just wanted to be back together. I am a big tease but I am a big please too, and I can’t wait to please you. Do you want to do all the things you’ve ever wanted to do to any other woman do you want to do that to me because you can. I like it down, and dirty can’t make me have a conscious because I’m lost on that I know how to satisfy myself. Men like nasty bitches guys go crazy over whores, and I can’t help noticing that guys always go mad over me they like my offensive fucking Behavior. Guys love to fuck me in groups if you’ve got a friend I’ll fuck you I want to be fucked by two dicks for Dick’s 7 dicks even more. I like to host a party of whorish Behavior fuck all the rest of those morals you can give those morals to a motherfucking none because I don’t want them for myself. Now kiss my pussy and let’s get started bitch.

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