Golden showers phone sex is what this worthless whore deserves!

Golden showers phone sexA few good hard days of mental work and I bet you would be willing to be a submissive slut, taking golden showers phone sex calls like me. I know that sounds like a farce but I promise it is not. I spend so many hours every day really micromanaging others so that my teams can perform as they should. However, that means when I say I need degradation that means that I literally have the physical need to be degraded by a strong alpha male that’s one job is to put me right in my dirty whore place. That is exactly what Master does for me too. He puts me down and takes control of me making me take every inch of him, never allowed to cum until he commands. 

Submissive slutI will hold my mouth open and receive anything that he gives me. I am a dirty cheap whore a useless waste of corporate American space which should be filled with more superior Men instead of squandered away on talentless femme bots in the name of gender equality. I am dumb and for that, I beg for the taste of Master’s golden nectar. His piss will feed me the proper micronutrition that a meritless ditzy blonde idiot needs to survive but is far from deserving. Master will slap me across the face making me whimper at the force of his mighty open palm against my bare skin. His grin tells me I look beautiful with his red handprint across my ass. 

Master pushes his foot against the side of my head until he squishes my other side against the floor. He is rough with me but knows that I am a horrid cow and I deserve each and every last punishment. Master kneels down, one foot on the floor and his dick in my face. He reaches forward to pry the lids from one of my eyes open wide. He chuckles his free hand grabs hold of his shaft and relives himself directly into it. I whimper now being waterboarded by the warm wee being viciously sprayed into my beautiful face. Master then takes hold of my waster leaving me face down in his piss and shoves himself into my ass with no lubrication. I stretch my neck backward screaming in pain, lifting my head from the concrete. 

“Wretched whore,” he yelled out slapping the side of my face. He grabbed hold of my ass and raised to position himself deeper inside of me so that he could step on me again. Once he had his way his me he rewarded me in the end with an ass-to-mouth treat. I sucked my anal juices off of his throbbing hard cock till he was nearing climax. I opened my mouth as he stroked groaning hard. Master laid his balls down gently onto my eager slut mouth and came shooting thick ropes of cum into the air onto my eyes. A cum climax surprise, my favorite finish.

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