Golden showers phone sex Submissive slut

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I was a bad girl so my master had to teach me a lesson! My brother invited his friend over and had him degrade and humiliate me while he recorded. This hot submissive slut was wearing an all net lingerie with a fishnet mask! My brother loves making money off of my slutty body! He’s actually the main reason I am such a submissive whore. He has been training me to submit since I was a little. He’s always had a spending problem and to clear his debt he would use my young body to get fisted, anal fucked and forced into submission! When his friend had his cock down my throat, giving me a extreme throat fucking… nearly causing me to vomit, he pissed all in my mouth. All I could feel was warm piss running down my esophagus… While I was being degraded and treated like a toilet whore.. My brother was chanting how daddy must be really proud of me. He knows how bad that gets to me because me and daddy are so close! If I ever moan and show in any way that I could be possibly enjoying it my brother will scold me! He grabbed me by my hair and ripped me off of his best friend. He started kicking me in my face and saying things like “You like that bitch?” “You fucking dirty whore!” “No man will ever love you…” he held my head off the edge of the bed and had his friend ram a baseball bat in and out of my pussy as my brother dug his cock into the back of my throat. He hawked lugies all over my face and told me I wasn’t going to amount to shit! It was all my fault I shouldn’t have moaned I know my master prefers me quivering and screaming when I am getting fucked. I didn’t mean to moan, it’s just that I am getting so used to the abuse that I am actually starting to enjoy it! I couldn’t imagine what my master would do to me if he ever found out… he would probably murder me.

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