Leah’s Bondage S&M Relationship

Bondage S&M

I am in a bondage S&M relationship with Sir. So I am fully aware of the rules and expectations, but sometimes my pussy takes over. Sir came home early last night. I wasn’t expecting him home for at least another five hours. So he caught me totally by surprise. I was suppose to be cleaning the house, but instead I was watching porn and playing with myself. I know that Sir does not allow me to touch my cunt with out his permission, but I just get so hot and tingly down there that I can’t help it.

So there I was in the bedroom with a dildo in my pussy when Sir walked in. Saying Sir was not happy is an understatement. He yanked me up and had me turned over his knee so fast that I didn’t even know what had happened. After he finished spanking my ass a hot red. He made me lay back down on the bed with my legs apart. Sir had told me the last time that he caught me finger fucking myself without his permission that if it ever happened again it wouldn’t just be my ass getting spanked. Sir had promised me that he would take the riding crop to my naughty bald pussy.

I started begging Sir for one more chance but he was not having it. Sir gave me 10 hard strokes on my wet bald pussy. I couldn’t help but to scream and cry the whole time. It was the most painful punishment that I have received so far. With tears still streaming down my face and my pussy throbbing in pain, Sir made me get down on my knees and suck his hard throbbing cock. He grabbed the back of my hair and forced his cock all the way down my throat. He roughly face fucked me until his cock exploded in my warm wet mouth. Sir made me lick his big thick cock clean. Before he shoved a ball gag in my mouth, a ginger fig up my ass, and hog tied me. He left this bondage whore on the floor to think about my transgressions.

Bondage whore

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