March Musty Madness 


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Do you want to suck my musty titties do you want to see me be your trash well I can I truly can do what you need. I have wanted to fuck you Peter for such a long time, but I know you like the Trashy whores they turn you on. At first, I thought I was too innocent to satisfy your needs but then I knew that I wanted you so I desire you so. And if I was going to get what I’m lusting after I’m going to have to open up and get a little nasty. So, Peter I’ve been watching porn I also did something insane I went out and slept with 3 Guys I was a fucking whore. Do you know what Peter I loved it, it was so good I was a fucking trashy whore trashy as I could be. I did it all for you, so you can get your scuzz bucket slut you’re cum guzzling fucking cunt you’re what I want. so, while I was fucking those three guys I was thinking about you drilling me all I wanted was your cock and my hands and my mouth and my cunt and my ass in and out. I am your fucking whore I did it all for you I’ll be here fucking trash even I will prostitute I will I did see I brought you this money too. Peter all I want to know is are you proud of me now do you trust that I’m a whore and I’ll do anything you want me to you can own me you can roll me you can sell me I’m so happy with what you’re going to do. And guess what we are just in time for March m March Musty Madness you can sell me to the biker guys a fuck them all in front of your eyes. Peter there’s nothing I won’t do for you I’ll let them do what they want to as long as you are happy and proud of me. I’ll do anything for you I’m your slave and I mean it I like being subservient to you. I like you taking me over being in complete control I deserve it.

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