Milf phone sex slave

milf phone sex

This Milf phone sex subslut had to do her grocery shopping today. I noticed all the family’s out and the cute brats that tugged along behind mommies. I wear my standard stockings and garters and heels even doing mundane things like shopping. Master wants me to display it everyday! Sure, I’m embarrassed at the looks and sneers I get from other moms as I’m putting lucky charms and fruit snacks in my cart. Some of the older cute little boys get a peep show as I squat down and my pussy is out only to their level. Today the master texted me and told me to pee in front of this tot and his daddy. I had to seriously debate if bare bottoms spankings would be justified if I disobeyed. But my master is really harsh with his spankings and they can go on forever until I feel like hamburger meat! So, I squatted and pulled some cookies off the bottom shelf and let my piss soak through my panties and puddle beneath me. A lady jerked me up by my top and as I tried to run away as she was calling me horrible names my sheer top was ripped off and left me running through the store into the parking lot!


    • Ron on April 25, 2022 at 11:09 am
    • Reply

    Thanks for playing out my taboo fantasy last night, Robyn. You got some kinda mouth on you.

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