My True Purpose

submissive slut

Look at me! The biggest submissive slut you could ever find. My Daddy raised me right, to enjoy being beaten around, used and fucked like the submissive slut I am. Being treated like shit is my specialty! Cum, piss and shit, bondage, abuse, humiliation, forced rape fantasies, k9 play… I fucking love it all. My cunt is literally dripping writing this because what I crave right now is for more men than I can count will come in and take advantage of this true submissive slut. I want them to pass me around beating me, fucking me, keeping me tied up and completely helpless and at their mercy. Even when I struggle I cum hard because this is how I want and need to be treated. This is how all women should be treated in my opinion…and I only state my opinion because a man is not around to put me in my place. That’s all I crave in life, that is my only true purpose – to be used.

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