Pissing phone sex Punishments

Pissing phone sexPissing phone sex has been used as punishment for mommy a time or two. My oldest is strong in his Master training and has subjected me to piss blasts more than I care to admit. It is really demeaning to know that my son who I raised only wants to humiliate me. I have begged my master (who is my husband) to put a stop to all this. But instead, I am constantly reminded of my age and mom body. My husband says it is natural for a young man to want to abuse his mother. Perhaps I should have been more lenient with my son as he was growing up.

I was a loving, involved mother. But I know years of me being a subby Milf phone sex whore and seeing me submit to my husband has put this in my son’s head. Now he gets to use my pussy, ass and mouth whenever he wants. It is so humiliating to serve my son’s friends and take a piss to my face and tits. But I do enjoy the young cock pounding my throat and mommy cunt. I hate that now as good as a slave I have been to my husband and other masters, I have to endure this abuse from my own offspring! But we all know I will take the cum and piss like a champ. I mean it is very hot for me to take bare bottom spankings from my teen son after he has practiced his rope work on momma! 

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