Sexy Bondage with an Old Rope Bunny

sexy bondageI’m into sexy bondage, are you? As a submissive MILF, I enjoy men who can take control of my body. And that includes bondage. My master gave me a hall pass for three weeks. He went on a cruise with his wife. And during this time, I am going to dedicate myself to exploring bondage options. It is no secret I love to be bound, gagged and used.

Since I have a hall pass to be naughty, I decided to explore some younger men. But that proves dangerous sometimes. Younger men tend to be more misogynistic and hateful towards women. However, mature men, even ones older than me, just believe women are weak and need control. I am a bondage whore. So, I am always looking for an expert rope man.

Younger men get rough with women. Perhaps, they even beat a woman up to get some aggression out. It gets challenging to find a younger guy who wants a rope bunny or even knows what to do with one. But I met Chris on Fet Life. A college boy and an alpha male. Just my type, young and in charge. So, I suggested he come over last night after messaging back and forth for a few days. When he arrived, he took charge immediately. First instruction, strip naked and move for him. He wanted to imagine how to tie me up. And to do that, he needed to check my body out.

A Dirty Old Rope Bunny Needs a Young Rope Master

For his second order, he instructed me to bend over the couch exposing my bare ass. But I knew what was coming next. This boy wanted to spank mommy. I braced myself because he looked strong. When his hand slapped my ass, I felt my pussy tingle. Next to bondage, bare bottom spankings rank up there as things I enjoy. I love the sound my ass makes when a dominant man whacks it. He spanked me for about 30 minutes before tying me up like a side of beef. Once I was restrained, he used all my holes like his private pocket pussy. I even had to taste my own ass after his cock sodomized me for hours.

When he was done, he left. However, he left me bound on the floor. And my daughter found me. She just laughed and told me good luck getting undone when she got home.

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