Submissive phone sex whore promises to be a good pet Master!

Submissive phone sex

The best position is doggystyle, bent over and fucked hard then pushed down head first to be spun around and a thick load shot directly on my whore face. No matter how many times my asshole has been ripped open, a hem me up always does the trick.. I get  my asshole stitched once a month to ensure tightness for my Master

! Nobody wants a loose whore is what he always tells me. It’s also because the sound of my screams when he jams my ass just never gets old to him… I am his Submissive slut; as long as I follow his orders and know my status I will always be irreplaceable. His big dick is addicting, I would hate to see or even know he is pounding another chic.. So I am sure to play my role!

A whore like me knows my place quite well, I am your personal potty, punching bag and the slut you slander whenever you aren’t having your best day! Take your anger out on me.. I enjoy being the one you come to when you are in a bad mood and need someone to mistreat! Be stern and straight forward don’t hold back on me.. 

Bondage whore

I will have to relay the intense abuse I endured while my master fucks me.. If you aren’t rough enough I will be forced into submission and treated like a worthless Bondage whore for his needs. He prefers I am welted when he gets home from work. My nipples must be puffed up colored purple and my throat needs to have ring burns from the rope he has left around my neck.. I don’t just do this for my own personal pleasure throughout the day. This is part of my todo list! I am his whore and since I am not allowed outside ever. I bring in money while being indoors. 

Anything that involves me being treated like a stupid slut looks great on my resume, he said.. A dumb whore like me isn’t worth even a remote customer service job, whether he is home or at work he wants me to be treated how I deserve.. My pussy is drenched and ready to serve! Do I have what it takes to be your Submissive phone sex whore?


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