When you are the mood for some Cum slut phone sex with a skank who can work your cock properly; I am the one who can do the job. My master jack hammered my wet throat hole open for like 30 minutes while I struggled to breathe. My arms were behind me and I was feeling very numb. I was aching and wanted it to end but he kept saying “Good slaves keep their mouth shut and do whatever their superiors want”. I cried and he said “Good bitches cry for their daddy; that means they want it up the ass hole next”.
If you want some rough and nasty Hardcore bondage you should connect with me. I am here to be your jerk off slave whore; I am craving your load. Please pump your cock in all my holes and cum wherever you please. I am here and ready to submit to you; I am so needy and ready for a good fuck session!