Submissive Whore

submissive whore

It was not the first time you had me strip my slutkin down, so you could watch her as you rammed deep into my aching pussy. Your eyes never left her body. When she moved you followed everything about her. It was not long until you had me spreading doll like legs, so you could squirt some cum all over her bald cunt. You had me by the hair and was pounding my face the night you asked me to put two fingers in her hole and fuck her as you were fucking me. I did as I was told, I could not risk losing your dick or the bill money for that month. I guess you figured as long as I did the naughty touching you couldn’t call yourself a P-pervert. Until that fateful night, I put her cunny on top of your cock and rubbed it up and down her slit. I leaned close and said just rip her cunny apart get it over with. I knew you were dying to because you came all over her itty bitty cunt and almost instantly were hard again. I used that cunt to lube her up and practically forced you to be the pervert that you are.

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