Submissive Whore Christmas

submissive whore robyn1Being a submissive whore is the only thing I know. Yesterday master wanted to decorate the tree for the holiday season, he stuffed my cunt full of tree ornaments, they were the old glass kind and as he stuffed them in my pussy and there was no more room, they would break from the force of his shoving the next one in. My pussy was bleeding and cut from him forcing more and more ornaments in me. \When  he was done he pulled them all out and put me face down and ass up filling me with whiskey so that he could drink it out of me. I was his human flask, It burned so bad but I new better then to cry out or complain. That would have earned me more punishment. I know how to be the best submissive I can be and to tell you the truth when it was all over the juices that my pussy produced were very soothing.

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