Submissive Whore To My Family

I was never really made to understand any other way of being other than being a submissive whore to my family. My father was the man of the house and my three brothers quickly became the same when he was not present. My mother was a cold uptight cunt that never really gave me much nurturing, she was to self absorbed and I was competition in her eyes. She became a pill head and alcoholic that was always passing out or in some kind of mood, Mommy Dearest was really a fitting movie for how she was. I grew up to always wanting to please my father and my brothers. They were always protecting me and ultimately controlling me. I did not mind as I knew it was my place to uphold the role of my mother since she was not able to function as a good wife. I serviced the males in the family, cleaned the house and prepared the meals. This was and is my place. I love to be of service to the men in my life and men control me, in every way.

Submissive whore

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