Think twice before opening my mouth to speak

I did not mean any of what I just said, I am so grateful to have you in my life. This is what I had to keep saying over and over after I had the audacity to accuse my boyfriend of cheating on me when he came home late. I should have known better to talk like that to him. He then reminded me that it did not matter if hew was out late or had cheated. He showed me that he comes home and always takes care of me.

Submissive whore

He reminded me that my hot tight ass, my cunt slit and pussy were all his and that he will always come home to this because nobody lets him do what I do to me. I am his sweet little fuck whore and my mouth should be full of his cock and balls, not harsh words. H e showed me exactly what I needed to be reminded of so I think twice before I let accusations leave my lips.

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