Bondage whore becomes a good pet

A kept Bondage whore knows it is all about the position master wants you in. I can’t move if I do the rope will burn me and I will mess up how my master wants me. The punishments my master gives me are harsh. Because I am a worthless bitch. Therefore, I need to stay in my place and do as my master asks. But when I do move my master likes to use his favorite paddle on my ass. “Bitch you know you must not move” he says as he paddles my ass hard.

Bondage whore

My master continues to paddle my ass hard until my body shakes. “Now you will stay in place like a properly trained bitch” he laughs as he pulls his cock out of his pants.  With the rope tight around my hands and body, I make sure to open my mouth wide like my master demanded of me. After he grabbed me by the hair he rammed his cock in my mouth. “Suck my cock like a prostitute in the street, that’s how I found you” is what my master said. He is right I was a worthless prostitute sucking and fucking cock for money. But now I have a purpose.

I am a submissive kept pet who has been trained by one of the best. So, I made sure to suck my master’s cock like he asked. I choked on his hard cock meat like I didn’t care about breathing. Because I don’t all I care about, is pleasing my master. It is all I was made to do as a Submissive Whore for my master. I’m his pet and I feel very lucky he saved me from the streets and gave me a nice cage to live in. Finally, my master held my head in place and pumped his semen down my throat and into my belly. After my master was done using me, he walked me to my cage and let me know that tomorrow we would have company to show my training of to. 

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