Bondage Whore Will Have You Begging For More!

Bondage Whore Quinlynn

Let me tell you, I am one big bandage whore.  Here’s a story I just have to tell you all about! The night that led to me being held captive, for real, when I thought it was all just a game. Only did I notice it wasn’t a game after I was free and had no clue where the hell I was. I was out shopping when they grabbed me from behind, put a blind fold on me, then tossed me into the back of their car.

I don’t know how long we were in the car for or where wed were going, but it was my birthday, so I assumed my man had set this up for me. I was laughing and smiling, thinking my man had finally followed through on my plan I had been begging him to for all these years. Finally, he set up a stranger/ forced sex scenario, I thought.

So, after a while we stop, they unblindfold me and I see a cabin and we are in the woods. Im just thinking oh this is so cliché. He could have done so much better than a cabin in the woods. Anyways they get me in and tie up the rest of my body. They tear off my clothes and put a knife to my throat and say if I scream, they’ll kill me.

I play along and am like “oh no, don’t do that” and kind of laugh and they just look at each other kind of confused. They fuck me in any and every position until my cunt is raw and red. They fill me up and cum deep inside of my pussy and tell me to beg for their cum so I do and it feels so fucking good I’m really begging them for more. But they cum then stop, cut the ties then throw me outside. I’m like really? They said I’m free to go and I’m like I wanted more fellas.

They give each other a weird look then slam the door closed. I end up asking my man why he wasn’t involved and why he had gotten his friends to do it instead. He had no clue what I was talking about.

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