Make me a proud submissive slut

submissive slutI’m a submissive slut and even my therapist takes advantage of me. I have been going to a shrink to sort out some of my feelings and my therapist happens to be a domme and has a fetish of ruining whores. She knows all my deepest dark secrets and she takes advantage of me with her exercises. My tight ass has been her punching bag lately. I assume the position and in she goes. My holes are stretched and fucked. A nice big paddle comes along for the ride and she begins to whip my clit. It is all part of her plan. I am supposed to give up all my power to her so she can carefully treat me. I have to cope with my submissive ways and transition to accept it out in public. I have always been a closeted sub. I have to ring true to who I am and with her help, I will.

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