Slave Punishment

submissive slut (9)

You know what’s hot? Hot and steamy and sexy kinda hot? When you get all worked up from being pounded all hard, you’re tied up and helplessly taking a long throbbing shaft and you feel the release from your nipples clamps – only to be followed by a sharp cool pain. That pain is ice, running over my nipples. And then suddenly his cock is outta my cunt and is being replaced with ice. Perhaps this is punishment for having too much fun being submissive slut. A stupid little skank enjoying being treated like a whore. This surprise of ice was followed by a hard pressure in my ass, it was also a sharp pain, but more painful than the ice – some toy that was torturing my asshole from the inside. I was squirming and moaning and begging for mercy, but he only pushed me further. Making me be his slave that deserves every second of punishment and torture.  And you know what? I still love it, even as I beg.

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