Snuff on easter and Cum eating phone sex

cum eating phone sexGood Girl Robyn loves giving Cum eating phone sex to men who enjoy the freaky side of life. As a teen trailer park prostitute with big tits, I run into men who have a little darkness in them. Drew Loves to show us girls snuff films and make us stroke him while we watch. The little whore who can make him splatter in time to the head exploding on the snuff movie gets a big bonus. We all want to make him happy, but so far I’m the only nasty little bitch out of all the girls to really get excited when I see all the brains and blood everywhere. On easter Drew, Baby told me that if I really wanted out of the hood I would have to start doing more dark things like this. Me asking him if it felt good to cum to blood and gore really impressed him. I asked why, My subby heart really does just want to make cock feel good. And then He told me of men who love young sluts and snuff and that I would be perfect. Could I make men feel good while they are looking at hardcore violence and murder? But first, he needed to test me. He says it’s not just about liking and getting off to the gory side of existence. I have to be able to clean up well and present myself as a house girl.

I have to enjoy eating loads of deviant men!   I had no idea the world I was about to enter, but I would do anything to be able to stop doing cheap tricks with sweaty bald men who cruise our side of town. My test for the night to get me into this snuff sex cult was insane. He had seven black men each with pastel sprayed afros designed to look like easter eggs buried the thor neck in a field. I and Drew sat in a Bobcat loader and My job was to drive over each man’s head while I jacked Drew off! Sounds simple right killing while Jacking! I made a good compression by splattering heads and making Drew splatter my young prostitute tits! And you know I made a wonderful show of eating all of his cum from killing on Easter day!   It doesn’t take long for Him to pull a Submissive Whore out of the trailer park lifestyle to become his cum slut.

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