David gives the best Bare bottom spankings while he rails out my hot holes from behind. I am usually begging for him to stop because my ass hurts so bad. He keeps going until my cheeks are beat red; sometimes he even uses a paddle on me. By the end of our sessions I am begging for mercy and can’t take the slapping anymore. This time he used his hand the whole time while I bent over and bucked my hips back onto his cock. He was plowing out my cunt hole because he said he needed to feel how sloppy I got while he abused me.
Your cock will explode with the best Cum slut phone sex! You need a bitch like me who will satisfy all your needs; that includes your darkest fantasies and kinks. I know you need a slave who craves violation and abuse; there is nothing that makes me cum harder than degrading men. Being used makes me feel like I am living up to my true life purpose. Let me make you cum deep in my hot wet hole just like David does when he slams his big fat rod in me.